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POOL offers places to meet, experience, focus and create something new.

It’s a responsible space network service for flexible working life and it offers suitable space options and services at nine properties in the capital region. You decide which pieces your premises will be made up of, and how long you wish to stay there.


Welcome to test the popular POOL Lounge at Antilooppi’s Siltasaari 10 in Hakaniemi

We would like to invite you to test POOL Lounge at Siltasaari 10 and give you a free DayPass. POOL Lounge is a stylish living room-like work and event space on the second floor of Siltasaari 10, with a wonderful view of the heartbeat of Hakaniemi. Slip comfortably onto the couch to spar or maybe stay in the space to work between meetings?

To use the free DayPass, register at the lobby service of Siltasaari 10 (visiting address Paasivuorenkatu 2, second floor). The POOL Lounge is open according to the opening hours of the lobby on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (some exceptions below). Check POOL Lounge’s exceptional opening hours aula.siltasaari10@byantilooppi.fi.

POOL Lounge Day Pass value €19/day.
You can also pre-register here.

POOL can be found in eleven Antilooppi’s properties in the capital region, and it is Finland’s first carbon-neutral business premises network. Read more about POOL in Finnish or in English.

Warmly welcome!

Exceptions in opening hours:

5.3. open 8.00–13.00
6.3. open 11.00–16.00
7.3. open 8.00-15.30
14.3. open 8.00-10.00
15.3. open 11.00–16.00
21.3. open 12.30–15.30
4.4. closed
10.4. open 8.30–13.00
11.4. open 8.30–13.00


Want to know more about what we can offer? Contact us: