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Q&A Being prepared for power outages 

What exactly has Fingrid announced?

Fingrid has published an announcement of possible short, rotating and planned interruptions in the distribution of electricity to prevent the collapse of the Finnish electricity system. 

The rotating power outages are the last resort that can be taken to prevent a shortage of electricity. The primary means Fingrid recommends is to reduce the use of electricity, and it will notify users in advance of the need for an acute reduction in the use of electricity. 

How will these outages be implemented?

The outages will be implemented at different times in different parts of Finland. The duration of the breaks will be 1–2 hours. Fingrid will provide the distribution system operators (e.g. Caruna, Elenia, Helen) with information on the amount of power to be disconnected. After that, the local system operator disconnects the power as rotating outages.  

How do we know if there will be power outages? 

The implementation of power outages depends entirely on whether the production and import of electricity is sufficient to cover the consumption of electricity in Finland. If the situation worsens and there is a shortage of electricity, Fingrid will announce this, for example, on its website, with a press release and on the Tuntihinta application. 

What are the effects of a power outage? 

Lifts do not work, lighting turns off, ventilation goes out, heating goes out, power is not supplied from sockets, communication networks go out, the Internet does not work, access control and automatic doors do not work, refrigerating equipment goes out and the cooling of premises stops. 

How is Antilooppi informed of the power outages? 

Distribution system operators will give advance notice of any future outages, as far as possible. 

How will Antilooppi informs its customers about future power outages? 

As soon as we receive the information from the electricity distribution company, we will inform our customers by e-mail. The email will be sent to the contact persons notified to Antilooppi. Now is a good time to check that Antilooppi has the right contact information. We kindly ask the contact persons to forward the information to all those concerned in their own organisation. It is also possible that we will not be informed in advance about the power outages. 

Why is Antilooppi informing its customers about the matter at this point? 

Antilooppi wants to recommend that its customers prepare for possible power outages this winter in advance. Antilooppi’s recommendation is based on an early warning of short, rotating and planned outages in electricity distribution by the transmission system operator Fingrid, the purpose of which is to prevent the Finnish electricity system from crashing. 

When can outages be expected? 

We do not know this. The implementation of power outages depends entirely on whether the production and import of electricity is sufficient to cover the consumption of electricity in Finland. 

What if a power outage starts unexpectedly? 

Our contingency plan takes these situations into account as well. For this reason, it is important that our customers familiarise themselves with the instructions in advance. 

How long will the outages last? 

According to Fingrid’s estimates, 1–2 hours.  

Is it allowed to be inside buildings during a power outage? 

The emergency lighting battery system will only work for the time necessary for safe evacuation, and the escape routes and signs might not be illuminated after this. 

Does a power outage compromise the security of the building? 

There is a risk that incidents may occur, for example, if the emergency lighting battery system stops working and the escape routes and signs are not illuminated.  

How does one move around a property during a power outage? 

You can exit the property at all times through the exits marked with green lights. The access control has a battery-powered backup system, which will work for a short while. After this, you will not be able to move around the property using the access tag. 

What if a power outage starts in the middle of the day? 

If the power outage takes place in the daytime, public spaces, such as shopping centres, will be closed and evacuated. Cars should be driven out of the parking spaces before the power outage, if there are automatic doors on the access lanes. 

What action does this require from customers at the moment?

You should reflect on what a potential power failure means for your business and its continuity. If you have any questions, you can contact your Antilooppi contact person.

What should be taken into account during a power outage? 

Avoid opening the exterior windows, exterior doors and refrigeration and cold room doors. Avoid unnecessary moving around the property. 

What should be taken into account when the power is switched back on? 

All devices that were on when the outage started will be on again. For fire safety reasons, check, for example, the coffee maker, microwave oven and stove. When the power is restored, it is possible that some of the circuit breakers will trip. If this happens, we kindly ask you to report the fault to property maintenance.