Antilooppi sells Takkatie 1 in Helsinki to Corum

Antilooppi sells Takkatie 1 office property to Corum. The property is situated in Pitäjänmäki submarket, close to commuter train station. In addition, the new Jokeri light railway starts serving the property in 2023.
The property has BREEAM Very Good environmental certificate. Building’s lettable area is 5,000 m² and it has 122 parking places. Entire property has been leased to Fellowmind Oy.
“As in the previous Tietotie 9 disposal in October 2022, this disposal is in line with our strategy. Antilooppi focuses its investments to Eastern and Western downtown and selected submarkets of the Helsinki Metropolitan area.” comments Tuomas Sahi, Antilooppi’s CEO.
“We are pleased to transfer the ownership to Corum. It will acquire a modern property with a stable tenant, Fellowmind”, says CIO, Antti Savilampi.
Additional Information:
Antti Savilampi, CIO
puh. +358 50 539 8582
Tuomas Sahi, CEO
puh. +358 400 907 877